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A slot machine appeared in Mr. Perfect, covering the secret entrance to the Magician's hideout in Aspertia City. Blake was able to make the slot machine move aside and reveal the entrance by inserting a Medal into a nearby jukebox. The same slot machine was briefly seen again in PS541. The following is a list of cards named Arcade Game. Slot hints and tips for Pokemon Gold. Home GameBoy Pokemon Gold. Comment Bookmark. Rate this hints and tips: 4 1 Slot. Added: Jun 19th 2007. Press L to make it more clear at the slot machine place More tricks, tips and cheats for this game are right here - Pokemon Gold cheats. Added by: Haruka0725. 11 New Slot Machines To Look For In Vegas Every year the casino industry from all over the country gathers in Las Vegas to purchase new products for their casinos at the Global Gaming Expo (G2E). Buyers for the casinos look for everything from new games to the beverages they serve while you’re playing and the chairs you’ll sit on.
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